Stand Up Wit…Matt Weinhold


"Who gets a fourteen hour show these days that ends in nudity?"

"Who gets a fourteen hour show these days...that ends in nudity?"

The longest track on DEAD FUNNY is the opener, and for a couple of minutes I was wondering if Matt Weinhold was going to get the crowd at Cobb’s off the ground. Seemed like the drug jokes weren’t working as planned, but then he adeptly turned the tepid reaction into his favor by steering into bits on listening to Rush on acid and joining the Kiss Army, and from that point forward, he was rolling. (The Geddy Lee impression was priceless.) By the time he got around to the…uhh…special bicycle seat, all bets were off.

There are thirty-six tracks on the album, although several are just logical segues that could have been lumped together (e.g. “Bald Race”/”Last Haircut”). Weinhold is not a monologist; he’s in and out of topics quickly – a quick one or two jabs to set up the punch line, then a couple of great reaction lines to drive it home (often using sound effects and a myriad of voices to add color). I haven’t seen him in person, but based on the voices and timing I would bet he’s physically expressive as well. Not Brian Regan expressive, but very visual.

Yet despite the seeming smorgasbord of topics, there’s a great flow to the set, and like the San Francisco crowd at Cobb’s I was laughing throughout.  And Weinhold has balls – he’s unafraid of offending anyone. If several gay, Nazi, serial killer and pedophile jokes were over the line, he absolutely hurdledit with “Pudding”, yet he was able to pull even the dumbfounded audience members back in and get out alive. But compared to those pokes at the disabled, he’s soon far rougher on himself as a geeky, lazy, balding sci-fi freak who resorts to pleasuring himself in the kitchen rather than summon the initiative to do the dishes. Matt might have wanted the audience to leave the show with the word “assfigure” as their new vocabulary entry, but it’s the one he coined in “Masturbation” that will haunt me for a while.

Besides the above, my other favorite pieces were “Pepe Le Pew”/”Yosemite Sam” (with excellent imitations), “Amateur Porn”, “Action Figures” (take that, conventioneers!) and the closing bits on sad, tired and bizarre relationships. (I think I dated that girl in “Living Together”, although Matt’s nightmare woman sounds more like Kevin Meaney on a Red Bull jag…)

DEAD FUNNYis a solid effort, as Weinhold hits the target often. Plus anyone who’s into BUBBA HO-TEP is alright with me.

Tons of information at Matt’s website.

You can also buy DEAD FUNNY at CD Baby.


Filed under Comedy, Reviews

2 responses to “Stand Up Wit…Matt Weinhold

  1. Carolyn

    You can see some of his stand up on YouTube. If interested in ‘seeing’ him perform.

  2. drbristol

    I did see a quick clip or two – was referring to how he works the stage in an entire performance. Some comics are highly visual in one or two bits and then microphone jockeys the rest of the time.

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